Saturday, July 31, 2010

ajourney2enlightenment: Introduction

ajourney2enlightenment: Introduction: "Good day readers I have decided that I would like to start a blog, so this first post is merely to introduce myself to you.My name is Meagan..."


Good day readers

I have decided that I would like to start a blog, so this first post is merely to introduce myself to you.
My name is Meagan, I am from a beautiful city in South Africa called Cape Town. For those who don't know Cape Town well it is also known as the mother city. Definitely a must see for the regular travelers out there.
I have been born and raised in Cape Town SA, and I say this with great sadness but i have not left my country at any point in my life...yet.
I have studied Marketing and worked in various different jobs and companies, from Sales to private investigation to IT you name it. In doing so I have come to realize that life is a journey, a journey that should be taken with a  pinch of salt if you ask me.

What I have also come to realize is that this journey called life comprises of a number of different aspects and facets. I have also come to know that each and everyone of us are put on this planet for a reason, call it destiny, call it your purpose heck call it whatever you want, but the fact remains we are here for a bigger reason than just taking up space.

If you will, I'd like for your to join me in the discovery of our purpose here...

With love, and till next time
