Thursday, August 19, 2010

Don't get lead astray by negative people and their influences

Dear Readers

I’m sure that you have all experienced negative people around you, negative people are like dark clouds hovering over us and draining the life force out of everything and anything they come into contact with. There is an old saying that you can chose your friends but you can’t choose your family, often times it is family and friends that are the sources of negativity in our lives.

What I’ve come to learn is that choice is always an option, no, we can’t choose who our family members are, but we can choose to avoid contact with the negative ones. It’s sad, but often true that it’s the ones closest to us that sometimes don’t want us to succeed and a lot of the times it is due to their own insecurities and fears that they wanting to hold other back from enjoying success of any kind.

If you are working toward a better you, then I strongly suggest cutting contact with people in your life that breeds negativity. Instead surround yourself with positive and like-minded people, who will encourage, support and strengthen you, instead of bringing you down.
So make it your business to protect your environment by seeking out people you can learn from, people who would like to learn from you and in doing so you’ll build a great network of positive people around you.

Until next time…
Meagan Jooste
P.S. A good read “The monk who sold his Ferrari” by Robin Sharma – Some great lessons to be learnt in this book.

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