Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Employment VS Unemployment VS Self-employment

In today’s economy it is becoming increasingly harder to find employment as well as to keep that employment, perhaps giving one the opportunity to grow with the company as well as getting promoted within that particular job.

As we are all aware the global economic crisis is far from over, yes it may be recovering in some parts of the world, things may even be looking up and or better for some in some industries, but that can’t be said in a generalised way. I’ve recently read an article which almost sums up the fear if one can call it that which most young graduates or faced with today, mind you that includes me as I too only recently graduated from university / college and found that the job market was and still is looking very bleak.

Now that brings me to the core of this article, I studied Marketing Management at CPUT in South Africa – Cape Town to be more exact and since graduating I have found it very difficult to find employment. There are all these criteria which these prospective employers have; they will advertise looking for someone between the ages of 25-30 for example and then go on to state that you must have a degree within the field as well as 5-7 years’ experience. Now if I do the math, then their criteria is absolutely nonsense, usually you are around 18-19 when you start university for most degrees it will take you four years to obtain it, that puts you roughly at 23-24 when you graduate.

Now you have to start the almost impossible job hunting process, when you finally land a job, it may be well into the half of the year, so you nearing 25 years old by now. So that brings me back to the criteria of being between the ages of 25-30 with 5-7 years working experience in the field which you studied or are applying for work. It just doesn’t make sense.
And in my opinion if no one is prepared to give a graduate a chance once they have completed college when exactly are they expected to gain that 5-7 years’ experience in their respective fields?

To make a long story short this is the experience I have had in our dear South African job market. We have been made to believe that without an education you will find it very hard to get a job, yet there are some many graduates in this country sitting with degrees and are either still unemployed or working meaningless jobs, because they are unable to find work in the field of which they studied. What message is that really sending to those who are just starting to think about college/university? In all honesty it isn’t very positive.

This bring be back to the article I read recently
It has just inspired me some more, and given me the confirmation that I suppose I was looking for regarding having started my own business recently. I am definitely under no illusions as to the hard work that lay ahead for me in order to make my business the success that I aim it to be, as well as really being able to fully accomplish they things set out within the mission and vision of the business. But I have decided I have wasted enough time, energy, and money on seeking employment and coming up empty handed, instead I will invest that energy, time and any available funds I can on making my business a success, one that can become a source of employment for other young South Africans who need that foot in the door.

There is so much negativity in our communities at present and the rate of such seems to be climbing higher and higher, as South African youth we need and are looking for upstanding role models, mentors and leaders, those who can show us a way to a brighter and better future in our country. I would like to see us become a country that other countries in the world look to in admiration, and maybe even someday for advice on how to combat various crises.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

It's been a long time

Good day Readers

I can't believe how long it has been since I last updated this blog.
Time has a way of getting away from us when we are not looking or paying enough attention to all that is going on around us.

So many things have happened since I last blogged, I graduated from University, I moved cities, I've accomplished a few of the goals I have set out for myself... Yet for some reason I am still feeling like there is a very distinct void in my life. I am not even sure what it is or what it may be that I feel deep inside that I am lacking.

I am continuously searching for ways to grow and become more in-turned with myself spiritually, this is an on-going process and journey, one that is definitely worthwhile.

I do think that what I need is some kind of deep cleansing from within - cleansing of the soul and spirit.

Until next time...

Have a wonderful journey
