Saturday, March 3, 2012

It's been a long time

Good day Readers

I can't believe how long it has been since I last updated this blog.
Time has a way of getting away from us when we are not looking or paying enough attention to all that is going on around us.

So many things have happened since I last blogged, I graduated from University, I moved cities, I've accomplished a few of the goals I have set out for myself... Yet for some reason I am still feeling like there is a very distinct void in my life. I am not even sure what it is or what it may be that I feel deep inside that I am lacking.

I am continuously searching for ways to grow and become more in-turned with myself spiritually, this is an on-going process and journey, one that is definitely worthwhile.

I do think that what I need is some kind of deep cleansing from within - cleansing of the soul and spirit.

Until next time...

Have a wonderful journey


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