Thursday, August 9, 2012

Making the best of what you have

Good day friends It surely has been a long time since I have updated my blog, but here I am at it again. Over the last few months I have experienced feelings of being despondent, sad, down and out, feeling like I cant get any lower than what I felt i was. But through it all I kept doing what I do, which is read a lot, reading inspiring articles of entrepreneurs who are making it in these tough times. Reading books on topics which interest me. Reading blogs by highly motivated people such as Robin Sharma, Richard Branson, Bob Proctor and the likes. Sometimes all we need to do is to take a step back from our current circumstances, and look in, but try to do so from the perspective of an outsider, someone who is completely bias to the situation/s to truly see how blessed we are with what we have. Even if what we have we may consider to be little or inadequate, the point is, whatever you have is more than what someone else has. Gratitude is something we should all strive to have or show in our daily lives. Once you are able to be grateful for the "little" it is amazing how soon that little becomes a lot out of shear gratitude. So the lesson for today is show gratitude for what you have, and stop focusing on what you don't have or wish you had, because before you know it, when you step back again and take a look into your life from the outside, what you wanted, or wished you had will be in reach or already be yours. Live strong Live Long... Greetings everyone until next time Meagan

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